Where the psychic meets the collective

Some see the subjective as selfishness and an obstacle to group formation and to the collective but how can someone meet others and truly relate without being conscious about personal biases and distortions? I feel that by taking the time to reflect and heal one can then relate more truly and meaningfully while deepening the relationship with the self and others.

Every event that has taken place in life, every emotion and every impression is stored in the body. Some of them can be recalled but some do not. The ones not consciously remembered continue to influence behavior in the present and make us repeat the same patterns. By becoming aware of the embodied knowledge we hold, we can break free from the past, keeping only what is serving us in the here and now and relate in a deeper way with the self and others. A big part of my work is exploring this healing process through re-relating with the body and exploring shadows and vulnerable parts. I consider in-between states of awareness as dreams and body visualizations as precious resources and they are often the starting point for my artworks. In the same time being aware of ephemerality allows living more fully in a way that promotes liveness and presence in here and now without postponing life for a future moment in time. By letting go of what no longer serves someone in life, space can be created for growing in new directions.

Language is often limiting in finding reality so often chose to work with embodied experience and knowledge. WIth participatory projects and installations I intend to promote embodied sharings and new ways of relating with oneself and others that start from the “here and now”. At the same time whatever is personal is also universal and this creates the opportunity to learn from each other. I find that creating spaces and context where people are invited to share from their experience can trigger collective healing through embodied communication and visual storytelling. I am concerned with how personal development under this lens relates with social justice and how it can promote empathy. Elements from my background in scientific research and psychotherapy training can also be found in my work and bring forward explorations from different angles on the same themes.
Kalli Ioumpa
I am a visual artist and (re)searcher based in Ámsterdam, born in Greece.
I have been a student at Gerrit Rietveld academy for Fine arts and Design in the Unstable Media department, a PhD candidate at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience and a Person centered therapist in training at Epsyme center in Greece.

Scars are memories carved
on the body

Participatory installation
Embodying the inbetween
Audiovisual installation
You Through Me
Participatory virtual reality installation
Your space
Participatory audiovisual installation
Night creatures, emotional furniture
Audiovisual installation with handmade furniture
Under the skin
Audiovisual installation

What if
we wrapped around others with our own skin
and through this new links of connective tissue
we learn how it is to be the other
with all what is vulnerable
with all what is painful
rediscovering humanness
through immediate sharing of sensations

Feeling your skin
breaking psychic distance and spatial habits

Being whole, cohesive, united
as holding hands with oneself
and the whole world simultaneously
being a ‘being’ alone and in solitary
covered by a skin holding wisdom of years
from all the discriminations, unfairness,
care and affection it has received through time