Kalliopi Ioumpa is a visual artist and researcher born in Greece, currently based in Amsterdam. Her artworks employ different media, from installations to sculptures and VR exploring themes such as memory, absence, and the poetics of the impossibility of being another. She explores ways to make visible what cannot be described by words but can be approached through embodied knowledge. Through this lens, she investigates the intricate connections between individual experiences, their broader societal implications, and the different ways the personal and the collective are intertwined.

Next to her education in Fine Arts and Design at Gerrit Rietveld academy within the Unstable Media department, she has studies in the fields of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cognitive Neuroscience and person centered art therapy. She holds a PhD focusing on empathy, social decision making and the brain. In parallel, she has been involved in artistic research and alternative ways of acquiring knowledge.
Kalliopi Ioumpa
Carved on the body

Participatory installation
Embodying the inbetween
Audiovisual installation
You Through Me
Participatory virtual reality installation
Your space
Participatory audiovisual installation
Night creatures, emotional furniture
Audiovisual installation with handmade furniture
Under the skin
Audiovisual installation
Body Archives
Participatory installation and performance

I see you watching
Participatory installation
within Smaller than a pixel collective
Series of wearable sculptures
Audiovisual installation
Sculptural intallation